I downloaded the rpm scons-0.96.1-2.1.fc3.rf.noarch.rpm from http://dag.wieers.com/packages/scons/

If scons (I needed it for the kdissert mind mapping tool), gives the following error:

Checking for uic : uic was not found - set QTDIR put it in your PATH ?

You probably need to install the Qt gui toolkit headers with ‘yum install qt-devel’

If you get:

Checking for the kde includes : The kde includes were NOT found

You need a ‘yum install kdebase-devel’ (or at least something else this is dependent on)

Hope this help someone some minutes googling or maybe prevents some hairpulling. In any case, kdissert is a nice tool though. I was just evaluating a commercial mindmapper on windows (Visual Mind) when it caught my eye. It’s got basically the same features so I guess I can stop evaluating it. I must admit Visual Mind looks real nice, but my wallet can’t see the difference.

I just wonder… why is it you can’t have 2 branches arrive at the same node… say, you’ve got 2 possible paths giving the same result and you haven’t made up your mind yet about which one you’ll be using. This doesn’t seem to be possible in either kdissert or Visual Mind.