Day: March 10, 2008

Quiet 2007

Ok, 2007 was a bit quiet on the blogging side. Been squeezing the max out of every minute of spare time and been working/learning as hell. Maybe more about what I’ve been upto later.

The layout started looking a bit stale so I modded a layout I like (credits: see bottom of page) to something I like even more (gustibus and stuff) and gave WP the much needed update. So there, giving a reason to unsubscribe to the 3 people that had forgotten that they were following my feed!

CSSVista: Internet Explorer Live CSS Editing

This tool has been around for quite some time, but it often surprises me how few people (also ‘professional’ ones) seem to have heard about it. Since it’s the only FREE live CSS IE editing tool I know, and since (added bonus!) it actually offers split-view Firefox/Internet Explorer editing, there’s no harm in spreading the word a bit.

Get it at: DL link is sent to email address provided. However, I’m pretty sure they honour their no-spam policy.

Oh yes… it only runs on windows. But since there’s no escape having to consider IE users browsing your site, it’s almost worth keeping a windows installation for (that, and homebanking).

Tip: If your site requires a login and you have problems logging in using CSSVista: save the page you want to edit using Firefox and open it in CSSVista for editing.

And just in case you’ve been hiding under a rock, for day-to-day live CSS editing use (running fine under Linux!) there’s the webdev swiss army knife: Chris Pederick Web Developer Extension.